Pet Corner is my collection of pets that I

have been commissioned to paint.

I love painting all animals.

Painting animals holds a special

place for me. It’s a bonding that

develops with the animal that I am

creating. The Hours I spend creates

a closeness. When I look at its

eyes, its pose, a feeling of kinship

develops and that emotion

flows right through my

paint brush!

Time to meet my pets


Acrylic on canvas 24 x 18


My name is Prince

Yes, I am a cat with a name

I am sitting here,

watching you paint

Let me lick my fur to smooth it in place

Place my paw on the log

to make me look tame!

Oh my! you look like a morsel so sweet

By the end of the painting,

You’ll be ready to EAT!


Acrylic on Canvas 14 x 11

Painting Piper was one of my favorites.

I had the good fortune of meeting him

personally. So painting him was

a special treat for me!


Acrylic on Canvas 14 x 11

This painting gets a lot of laughs,

friend of mine looks at it and shouts!

“That’s me right there! with so

much enthusiasm that all I could do

was take it off my wall

and give it to him!

He was thrilled and I was so happy to

give so much joy to someone!


Acrylic on Canvas 14 x 11

I will always remember Sammy!

He is the cheese grabber!

He sneaked up and grabbed,

of course the most expensive

French Brie! Chaos broke out!

Oh no! not the Brie!

eventually Sammy gave it up,

not without a fight and a few

abrasions on the fingers!

Then he sat in the corner, looking at

everyone in disgust! :)


Acrylic on Canvas 14 x 11

That’s Bailey and his favorite ball. I

never met him, but we bonded over

the photo.

He reminded me of a big fluffy pillow!

I just wanted to cuddle him!


Acrylic on Canvas 11 x 14

Buddy lives in Scotland. I wanted to

paint him in a kilt!

So much expression!

Enjoy life little Buddy!

Shiver and Timber

Acrylic on Canvas 36 x 24

Shiver and Timber

Hey Shiver move over and give

me some space!

Your kidding me!!

it’s so cold in this place!

I can see your whiskers are frozen

and you’ve got ice on your face!

Look Timber lets please get away!

I want to play in the ocean

and enjoy a hot sunny day!

Shiver your a white tiger

for goodness sake!

Now just keep on moving

till we reach our cave!

Ok Master Timber I hear what you say!

Well “Shiver me Timbers”

I’ll move out of your Way!!


Acrylic on Canvas 11x14

Sandy the most adorable, kind,

gentle soul I ever met.

We bonded in such a way

that has never happened

before, Sadly she passed away.

The last time I saw her, she

looked at me and in her eyes

I could see that this would

be the last time we would meet,

somehow we communicated.

I left with a heavy heart.

She will live on my wall,

and be remembered always!


Acrylic on Canvas 11 x 14


My son’s dog, unfortunately Kali is in

doggy heaven. He was one of a kind

playful, full of life, a sweetheart!

Dezzi and Lucy

Acrylic on Canvas 11 x 14

Dezzi and Lucy

My favorite painting of these fun

loving cats

They seemed to have

found their favorite spot!

It wasn’t easy squeezing

them both on there :)


Acrylic on Canvas 11 x 14


Hey guys I’m eating my brunch

served in this garden

leaves with a crunch

The Daisy’s are fragrant

and tasty to munch

Watch out for your veggies

they are next to be crunched!